
Monday 8 October 2012


I'm a lazy butt who hates uploading pictures from her camera onto her laptop, which means that obviously no posts can be written, which means she's a bad bad blogger.

But lo, what post yonder appears? It is a post about running, and running is awesome.

No seriously. I'm finally getting back in the groove after not running the entire summer, and while it's often not pretty, it is getting a bit better. Usually, the getting-better happens after the 3rd mile, which is quite a problem on those short 2-3 mile runs that keep happening (mainly because I don't feel like fracturing my legs again).

Tuesday - as usual, I ran my 3.5 miles in Central Park and of course I ran by the Reservoir, because I'm apparently incapable of running anywhere else.

Old photo, but who wouldn't want to see the beautiful reservoir ONE MORE TIME?!?!
I was going to run again on Thursday, but then I acted like a clumsy fool and slammed my foot into my door frame, resulting in a very purple and swollen toe that refused to fit into a shoe. Any shoe. Walking to work was fuuuuuuun.

So that meant that Saturday, I really HAD to run. I finally got my shit together around 5pm (whoops, what happened to the whole day?) and headed out.

New York, why are you so pretty all the time?

Basically, I headed down the drive, which sucks up until 96th or something and then rocks all the way to 65th because it's all downhill. I love downhills, not gonna lie. I would take downhills over uphills anyday (who wouldn't?) but then again, I realized that the old adage is true.

What goes down, must come up.

Or something like that.

So the whole backside of the loop was all uphill. Which was just grrrrreeat.
  • 6 miles at 9:45ish pace
But hey, I have this super sweet secret for dealing with the parts of running that aren't so awesome. Wanna hear wanna hear wanna hear?

I know you do. Well, here goes. You just visualize yourself ... winning a marathon. No seriously. Like running in front of the crowd, epic sprint to the finish, break the course record type of deal. Just on replay for the duration of the run.

Sorry for the defacing, Salina
Totally does the trick. Before you know it, your run's over and you've won the Boston, New York and Chicago Marathons. Twice.

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