Yesterday was a bit of a fail. I was up all bright and early at 7am (and by bright and early, I mean really dark and cold and early), ready to tackle some work and get a head start on the day. Well, I boobed around on the Internetz for a bit, and then, feeling all sorts of exhausted, dropped back into bed to briefly rest my eyes ... from 8am to 11am. Champion sleeper, here.
I WAS supposed to run with my running group, but as I stepped outside and the glacial winds hit me, I realized that breathing was actually a very difficult thing to do. I also realized that there was no way I would be stripping down to my running tights, as I still valued my butt. You see, freezing my ass off is by no means on the top of my to do list. Actually, my preferred weight-loss method would involve a magical fairy displacing all the fat from my butt to my chest. But that's another story.
So after all the uselessness of my morning (let's see ... I Tumbl'd, Facebooked, Blogger'd, checked all of my email accounts at least twice, watched a bunch of TV, and repeated this whole cycle at least five times), I hit up the library instead. It was eerily empty. I'm so used to seeing students camping out behind huge piles of paper, forts made out of books and occasionally, even snoozing on their specially-brought pillows, that an empty library just creeps me out.
I was also quite sleepy, so much so that I wish I had a pillow-collar a la Colleen, from yesterday's post. That girl definitely thought it all through. And since my ability to concentrate is close to 0 in quiet places (weird I know, but when it's too silent, I zone out and don't even notice), let's just say that I didn't work much ... and so instead of working (well, I DID open my documents), I bugged my friend Erryl instead.
She shouldn't even lie, she loves the distractions. Because let's face it, who wants to be doing work on the first week of school? No one. In fact, it's expressly forbidden in the Procrastinator's Handbook for Succeeding in School and Life. Which I am in the process of writing. Hit me up for advance copies and whatnot. But don't expect a reply soon - because obviously, a procrastinator never does today what could be left till tomorrow.
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