
Tuesday, 17 January 2012

Of Meteorological Temper Tantrums and (Some) Having-A-Life Moments

What ho? What light through yonder window breaks? Why, it's me, returned from a self-imposed hiatus from life (a.k.a. a Fringe marathon).

The fitness part of this blog has been temporarily postponed until it's not so fricking cold (which could be as far off as April). So I have to fill my time with other pursuits. I WAS going to attend a concert at the Music School and go to the museum, BUT ...

Mother nature decided to have a temper tantrum and have a blizzard. Oh, and the temperature changes every day - one day, it's 0C (oh, so warm!), the next, it's -27C (oh, can't breathe!), then back to -8C (oh, so warm!). Makes dressing to go outside very difficult. I, in my delusional state (I blame the cold), thought, oh well, jeans get colder faster and they get stiff, so I'm not going to wear jeans - instead, I'll wear LEGGINGS. Somehow, it didn't click that leggings = a micro-thin layer of fabric between my skin and the -30C air.

I tell you, I'm SO smart sometimes. This whole going to university thing has definitely taught me to win at life.

Speaking of life - I had one! For a couple of hours ... my roommate was throwing a party and I actually mingled and partied and did all the things that normal people do. And then I left to sleep over  at my friend's place, because, let's be honest, it was 11pm and I needed my sleep. Grandmas unite!

And to prove that this miraculous having-a-life moment happened, I present the evidence (unfortunately, I cannot include the rather strong smell of alcohol that has pervaded our apartment for the past week as a result of this party, but believe me, it's there).

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