They also have this contest where if you guess the price of your meal, you get ... Actually, I don't know what you get. I don't think that anyone's ever guessed right. But they keep asking you to guess and of course we guess, because how can we resist. Gotta play the game. In any case, this time around, I was 7 cents off, my mother was 15 cents off and my father was 26 cents off. We are just one crazy lucky family. Now we just have to win the lottery, and then we're set.
And we also had some beer, because for some reason I turn into an alcoholic fiend when I'm out with my parents. Cocktail? Sure. Wine? Sure. Beer? Eh, why not. It was nice ... and then I got cold, and then it wasn't as nice any more. I only finished half the glass. Lamesauce. My lovely mother however fully enjoyed her beer. And then we both laughed our asses off at insignificant little jokes and the staff at the restaurant thought we were crazy. But the food was delish.
Also, besides the food you get at the buffet table, they also bring you free soup (win!) and brown rice in this metal tin can and bread. Except the bread is not like bread, it's like a napkin. I swear, the first time we went to this place, I wiped my face with it and then crumpled it up and threw it away. But no. You actually eat it. This is no bueno for non-street-smart people like me. Too confusing. Next thing you know, I'll be munching on real napkins and toothpicks, because I can't tell food and non-food apart. Scary.
And because no day of gastronomic debauchery is complete without dessert (you've gotta hit all the food groups - carbs, starchy carbs and sweet carbs ... and then some more carbs), we got ice cream. At Costco. Because, holla, Costco is THE BEST. You can buy anything there (I swear, they'll start selling babies soon or something). And their ice cream sundaes are 2$ and they. are. divine.
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