
Saturday, 7 January 2012

Of Indecision and Infiltration

So I'm currently in the process of deciding the rest of my life right now ...

No biggie.

But seriously, I have to pick a school and a city and it's all too much for someone who can't even pick a sandwich at a cafe (I had a mild panic attack, couldn't pick and had to subsist entirely on a yogurt until dinnertime).

Usually, I would look at statistics and objective facts, etc, etc. (Which I've already done). But this time around, I thought I would actually show my wild side ... and go sneak around the building where my classes would be. This is wild for me. I'm usually very awkward about being in places where I have no business being (darn it, there goes my career as a cat burglar!).

I hitched a ride with my friend Nat, who is doing a degree in Nursing at UBC. Unfortunately, Nursing classes apparently start bright and early, because when my alarm rang that morning, it was disgustingly early. It was also disgustingly dark and rainy.


I think I changed my mind three or four times and it took all of Nat's convincing powers, including picking me up herself, just to get me to campus. Whatever, it was dark and rainy and I hadn't woken up that early in a long, long time, and the coffee hadn't kicked in yet.

By the time we got to campus, it at least stopped raining. Hooray for small blessings. So imagine the following scene, if you will:

Location: rainy university grounds
Time: 9am - students hurrying off to class
Scene: Me, trying to blend in with the other law students.  

Hmm, maybe I should walk with a swagger. 
Or not. 
Wait, let me hunch over, pretend my book are SOOO heavy. 
Now head up Anna, walk fast enough that you look like you're going to class, but slow enough so you don't look like an idiot when you accidentally walk into a supply closet or something.

It was a hoot, let me tell you. From the way I set it all up in my head, you would think I was infiltrating the FBI or something. But I showed them.

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