I don't get it. Yesterday, it was all:
And today, it's all gross and rainy and slippery and puddl-y and slushy. Believe me, wearing your winter coat in the rain is NOT ideal. The smell of wet dog becomes pervasive and people would look at you weird, except that they all smell that way too. It's just lovely.
But back to beautiful sunny memories.
As per my usual Tuesday/Thursday schedule, I always plan to get work done during my break, but am inevitably derailed. This time, my lovely friend Jill had some very persuasive ideas of the brunch-variety.
Like I said, she's very persuasive, so I HAD to give in.
Actually, I'm pretty much up for anything when I'm supposed to be working. So brunch it was, at our fave diner. Yum yum, scrambled eggs :) I also snuck in some of my katlety and hid them in a napkin when our waitress was around. I'm sneaky like that.
On another note, can I complain about the current state of my back? (Why yes, I can, cause it's my blog).
I live somewhat far away from my university, so I usually have to bring everything with me to campus. Which means carrying all of my books, plus any homework I plan to do, plus about 5 tupperware containers full of my various snacks, plus (God forbid) if I want to go to the gym, there's also my gym bag, and if it's raining, I also bring an umbrella, and usually I also carry a mug in my hands ... Well, you can see how it gets complicated super fast.
Just some of my food.
Doing dishes at my house is a nightmare.
Or rather, 'doing Tupperware' ...
Anyways, it gets unpleasant. And the result of it is this:
Let's just say walking upright is a bit difficult, since my backpack weighs me down so much that I'm always in fear of falling on my butt. It's real attractive, I tell you. For now, I guess I just have to wait until the world realizes I'm super important and I get to have a special limo to transport me+all my stuff to school.
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