
Tuesday 18 September 2012

Awesome Super-Fun Week Recap

I've been a bad little blogger, so let's just recap the week day by day.

So I spent all of Sunday sitting around trying to learn some music for an audition that I had that afternoon. It was incredibly unproductive, and what's more, I didn't really like the choir anyways. I would've written the day off completely, except for a really nice guy from the choir invited me up to the roof of his building overlooking the river. The view was SPECTACULAR! I may have jumped around like a little girl and totally embarrassed myself, but it was truly awe-inspiring.

As was the Pinkberry that I was having. Apparently there's a whole Pinkberry vs. 16 Handles debate. Pinkberry was nice and tart (I got the original flavour) but I didn't like the fact that it wasn't a self-serve place. I mean, I like to have control over my toppings. Plus the toppings selection wasn't that hot. So anyways, I'm hoping that 16 Handles lives up to the hype, because that's all I have left!

Monday was a day of work blah blah blah and then ... MOVIE NIGHT! I went over to N's place with Laura to watch the ultimate classic of all time ....

Princess Bride.

Most excellent movie. The sheer ridiculousness of it all can just keep you entertained for hours. Especially if you turn it into a drinking game. It was enough to have 'as you wish' as a cue, but we had at least 6 more I think. White wine went down well. (<--- Alliteration! Yay!)

I dedicated Tuesday to my Trader Joe's visit. As promised (by everybody who's ever been there before), it was absolutely fantastic, and WAY cheaper than the market on my block. I also thought it would be smart to walk there. And then back. Which ended up being a grand total of 80 blocks, half of which were completed with 40lbs of groceries on my back.

I came home and collapsed in an exhausted heap. Apparently my limit is one bright idea a day. Then I'm done.

Um ... I forget. Oh wait - I went for a run. It was nice and cool and I ran alongside the Hudson River and it was a beautiful 4 mile run. Bad blogger me didn't take any photos but that's because the run was going so well. Although my left insole started aching a bit towards the end. And that means that I should take walk breaks and not escalate too fast. Woohoo ...

I had work. Then class. (Wow, my life is exciting). Then I caught the tail end of a coffee hour and I chatted to people. Yay socializing and some (leftover) free food. I've learnt to cherish the free food as a grad student. Then I think I went home and did something?

Um, total blackout. I probably watched TV. And had pizza.

Class ends at 3pm! Woo! And then there was a Women in Computer Science event, which I just took as an opportunity to acquire a fake tiara (yes, there were tiaras - I mean it wouldn't be a women in computer science event without them, right?) and some cupcakes. Actually, a lot of cupcakes. And then, ironically, I ended up chatting with the only 2 dudes present. Man, I really know how to take advantage of a situation.

Also, I was finally able to hang out with my friend E on Friday. We met for tea at "Le Pain Quotidien", where I had a French brioche (which was absolutely not what I thought it would be ... but it came with speculoos which is like cookie butter made with ginger snaps which made it ALL BETTER) and some really colourful tea.

Look at those beautiful, radiant-looking ... teas. Just gorgeous. AND delicious. I love tea. I want to have a love affair with tea - oh wait, I already do. With the multitude of looseleaf tea packets I keep in my cupboard. Let me just sneak away to my lovahs right now.

Oh, as an aside - do you how perplexing a problem it is to have to decide whether the black smudge on your counter is just a bit of loose-leaf Earl Grey or a mouse turd? It's really hard to figure out until you stick your finger in it (and that's obviously not an optimal scenario).

Anyways ... back to normal people stuff.

I had the most delightful Friday evening. After tea, I walked E back to the practice center where she was planning to continuing rehearsing her piano repertoire for another 3 hours, but instead we spent 3 hours with another one of her friends talking shit and being CRAY CRAY.

All while stuck in a practice room the size of a shoe box. I feel like it acted as a hot-box for our ridiculousness, because the stuff that I was spewing at the end of the night was highly scandalous and not at all appropriate if I were ever to like have a job and/or rule the world.

The night before, in a rush of ridiculous optimism, E and I planned to wake up early and finally go to the Cloisters, which is this castle monument (part of the Met) that's located up in the Bronx. But seeing as after the previous night's revels I only managed to drag myself out of bed at noon, we once again had to cancel it.

It's seriously like fate doesn't want us to go to the cloisters. I mean, obviously we're too fabulous to be nuns, but we at least want to tour the damn place.

Instead, we somehow managed to get our shit together and meet up to go walk in Central Park and spend a couple of hours at the Met.

This happened at 5pm. So um, yea, it took us a while to get ready. My face doesn't just happen this way, OK, I need time to put it on!

Central Park was gorgeous and sunny and wonderful. I was uber jealous of all the people who just had picnic blankets and had spent their entire day there. I realize that the weather is going to get worse soon (EDIT: I'm writing this on next Tuesday, and ALERT, the weather is WORSE. Think gale force winds and flash floods.), so I want to enjoy it while I can.

After an appropriate photo-shoot (oh who am I kidding, all photoshoots of me are always appropriate), we finally made it to the MET!

I have a map where I tick off rooms whenever I visit them, and on Saturday, we ticked off Musical Instruments, Arms and Armour and part of 19th-20th Century Art and Sculpture.

I bet YOUR museum doesn't have life-size knights. That's right. Didn't think so.

Go us!

Sunday funday except not so much. I realized that after goofing around all of last week that A) I had gotten nothing done and B) I had a meeting with my advisor Monday morning to talk over my progress. Man, it's surprising how productive I can be with a deadline.

This was further exacerbated by the fact that I spent the whole morning/early afternoon at a church service listening to their choir before my audition for them. Note to preachers: if I can't remember the last time the choir sang something, it probably means your service is TOOO long. Also, the A/C was killer.

So you can see, my brain is turned onto important things in church.

And that, my friends, was all of last week in one fell swoop. As a preview, I can tell you that it was much more exciting than this current week. So I'm going to look back on this sometime in November, when the weather gets icky and the workload gets EEEEEEKY (you know that feeling when you feel like you're drowning in work? Yep, that's eeeeeky. As in eeek, get me out of here!). And I'll think, wow, I used to have an exciting life. No, scratch that, I used to have a life, period.

Oh well.

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