
Wednesday 4 January 2012


A weekly rant about ridiculous crap in the world. Up this week - Fashion Faux Pas.

Dear stores,
Apparently, all you carry right now are fringed Native-American tribal wear (which is a real statement-maker at work), sequined shirts (why yes, I do want to look like a fish) and crop tops. That is not okay. Besides my lack of desire to look like a disco ball or like I just walked out of Little House on the Prairie, there are some practical considerations as well.

Let's focus on the crop tops.

Let's just make it clear. A crop top is not a shirt. If it doesn't cover the top of your jeans, it's not a shirt. It's winter. I don't want to be freezing my midsection. In fact, the chub needs some extra protection and warmth. And let's be honest, I don't know a single person who's more fit in the winter than the summer. So the let's give the tummies some love.

So yes, dear stores, it would make more sense to stock more sweaters. Not crop tops. Especially not fringed and sequined crop tops.

Fashionable and Disgruntled

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